Hyraea's avatar


348 Watchers45 Deviations
I'm still getting watches, so just letting anyone who doesn't already know, I have a new account here with new art: :iconasterbunny: :iconasterbunny: :iconasterbunny:

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I will still post stuff here (most likely experimental stuff or things I don't really like, but still want to share).

Here is the link for those wanting a look: :iconasterbunny: :iconasterbunny: :iconasterbunny: --- Be warned, the page is terribly bare even though I have premium. I'm am STILL thinking of a profile theme. :(

I think I finally found an account name that I like for more than a week, so I will not be making any more accounts (hopefully).

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New Account?

2 min read
I've decided for a new account because I tire of this one's name. I made it up when I was really bored, but now I don't like it anymore. -.- Anyways, I've already set one up and I'll post a link here after I'm done making it all pretty and stuff OvO. Ironically, the name of my new account sounds alot like this one's name, but it actually has a little meaning behind it since I am a libra. I'de be very impressed if any one could guess the name. Maybe I'll give you a llama or something for how smart you are, LOL.

Anyways, I'll update this later with a link to my account and I have decided to continue doing microkit and other pixel stuff. I think I'll take down the stuff on this page, so people don't get confused about the new account.

Thank you for reading!

- Hyraea

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Well, I am currently debating on whether or not I will continue posting icons here as it seems lots of people can not be sincere (or atleast read a description) before they decide to steal something of mine. I mean really, I offer plenty of nice free avatars, but they have to go after the ones that other people have purchased from me. If I have anything up that says "Adoptables" in the title, please make sure your name is in the description that says, "bought by: ???" before you decide to steal it. -SIGH

I don't mean to offend any one, I am just upset that people can have such disregard. :( Really, if you want to buy an avatar from me, I only charge like on average 30 :points:. I know some people really think that is a lot, but did you know that 30 :points: is worth less than 50 cents? It's not worth alot, but when I do catch someone using something that was intended for someone else, I feel like I have to step in because that's basically my customer being insulted.

...any ways, Any words of advice would be very much appreciated. I kinda need some "words of wisdom" because now I feel like anything I post is just gonna be abused.

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There are extra baby kitten adoptables for sale for only 15 :points:. View them here! :  hyraea.deviantart.com/art/Baby…

There is 1 extra microbun adoptable here that you can nab for only 5 :points: Here's the link to the page! :  fav.me/d4ec87j

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New Account Link Reminder: by Hyraea, journal

New Account Link by Hyraea, journal

New Account? by Hyraea, journal

well, you guys... by Hyraea, journal

Auction Extras: Cheap! by Hyraea, journal