Render-Scene for sale: Strung Up

2 min read

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hypnovoyer's avatar
After yesterday's catastrophe, I felt I had to do something productive, so I finally finished up a render-pic set I've been working on. It's an expansion of the Living Marionettes pic I did a few months back, showing the new gal's full transformation from snoopy investigator to dangling mindless puppet. There are 21 images in the set, with no dialogue. If you'd like to buy the set, I'll take whatever in payment:

1. Buy me a month of Core membership here on DeviantART, or give me the equivalent amount of Points (400) .

2. Drop $5 or so dollars to my Patreon account:
EDIT: Note if you use this method, you'll have to wait til the first of the month to get the set, because that is when Patreon actually transfers the money between our accounts. The anticipation only adds to the experience! Yeah!

3. Buy me $5 in store-credit over at the DAZ Studio website ( under my e-mail address; this helps me buy better props to use in future images.

4. Or if you want to get pricey, you can buy me something off my Amazon wishlist.

You will have to give me an e-mail address to send the .zip file to.
Keep on keeping on.

© 2016 - 2025 hypnovoyer
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