Heroines MCed by villainesshypnovoyer on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hypnovoyer/art/Heroines-MCed-by-villainess-299216507hypnovoyer

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Heroines MCed by villainess



The classic Superfriends-cartoon episode "The Mind Maidens" has always been a favorite of mine, so when :iconmindcontroller99: set up an art-jam which commemorate it, I had to come up with something to contribute. The victims above are my original characters. They've never appeared here on DA before, but I've posted a few drawings of them on my own site. Also, here's a short scene I wrote where they deal with a male MCing villain. Thanks to MC99 for getting this going.
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707x600px 226.15 KB
© 2012 - 2025 hypnovoyer
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I always loved Medulla's hench-girls! Their blank eyes, purple catsuits and kooky poodle hair just epitomized mind-controlled drone-ness.