HyperDashPony on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hyperdashpony/art/By-the-Roots-of-the-Mountains-597500867HyperDashPony

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HyperDashPony's avatar

By the Roots of the Mountains



YUS! I have photoshop again! oh, how I have missed you!

Eh, this took too long. The mountains were a snap. Tried something new for the foreground details, which turned out okay, but not perfect. AJ looks kinda eh, I guess the hat looks good. Overall, I'm kinda pleased, though I coulda done better. I also did this one in 32 bit color, which was both overkill and looks bad when it's converted back to 16 bit in the PNG file. Oops.

PS~ this was supposed to be done on the 14th or earlier.
"I love deadlines. I love the whooshing sound they make as they go past." -Douglas Adams

EDIT: Added cutie mark (derp), adjusted gamma, highlights, shadows for 16 bit conversion.
EDIT: Adjusted exposure, shadows. Added tail. (derp)
Image size
3840x2160px 33.62 MB
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Agimasz's avatar
Wow! o: Beautiful! Love