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  • United States
  • Deviant for 17 years
  • She / Her
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (167)
Delicious Cake: My, that's a delicious cake (1)
My Bio

Welcome to my gallery! If you're new to DeviantArt, click on "Gallery" near the top of the page to start browsing. (From there, choose a category, or "All" to show everything.)
The range of art here covers many years and innumerable hours spent nose-to-subject, obsessing over details, and trying to align each project with a demanding personal ideal. Stare

Meeting my own standards is an absolute battle most artists can relate to, but it's worth the struggle (even when I'm curled up under my worktable questioning my abilities). You've got to do what you love to do, and I hope my love for what I do shows in everything you see here.

My great loves include my husband, all things MYST and D'ni, soulful video games, the natural world, cosplay, and observing tiny birds.

For more frequent (and often random) content, follow me on Instagram! It's where most of my Work-in-Progress photos go, as well. instagram.com/hylianjean/

Thanks for visiting! I hope you enjoy. :) (Smile)

Just a lil' reblog from my Instagram in case you're curious what's up with this guy: https://instagram.com/p/5vSQ9bwJ5U/ (More description at the link!)
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Ryker - A Film

0 min read
If you've followed my Instagram, you might remember some mysterious images involving my unfinished lava dragon adopting some large eggs, and videos of cooking gross green slime! Actually unrelated to Volvagia, those eggs and the slime to fill them were props I made for this short film called Ryker, a fantasy story of a Viking farmer who becomes a warrior in order to rescue his beloved wife.The film needs funding to get finished, but the footage they have shot so far is beautiful! Check out a tantalizing sample of it in the trailer video on the Indiegogo page , and please consider donating because I would LOVE to see this film on a bi...
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Hey everyone! =D One of my Majora's Masks is getting done just in time for RCCC in Portland, so I decided to give it some embellishments and turn it into a costume for the weekend! If you'll be there, keep an eye out for it! If not, you can find a couple of teaser pictures on my Instagram (Hylianjean). I'll also be wandering around as San from Princess Mononoke and would be happy to say hi to you. ^_^~Jean
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Hi, there probably a very random question but your Princess Mononoke Cosplay....what did you use to make the spear. I am making my own San cosplay (my first ever making) as was wondering if you could help  
Sorry it took me a while to check my DA and see this! (Also I'm freaking out a little bit that I paused watching Sense & Sensibility to check this and was confronted with your icon right there, haha!) My San's spear is made from two pieces of foam-core board, each sliced halfway through, up their length, on the inside, so they'd fold at a gentle angle, and cut at a very sharp bevel on the edges so that at the very edge there's no foam left between the two paper edges that meet. Theyre then mounted on a paper tube wrapped in black and that is secured to the end of the pole, which was a dowel left in partial shelter in my backyard for a long time to weather and warp. The chevrons are a metallic red paper card, cut out and folded a bit for some dimension, and glued on. It's a delicate prop but extremely lightweight.
Thank you so much for getting back to me
that sounds great thank you so much for your help 
Alan Rickman will always be my favourite Actor (R.I.P Alan)
and I love Sense and Sensibility sorry if it freaked you out a bit :D 
Thanks for the fav on my happy mask salesman cosplay ^^
Thank you kindly for the :+fav: on my Guild of Maintainers Clock Lamp !! :)
No need to thank me! ^_^ thank you for sharing it!
Shorah and thank you kindly for the :+fav:s!! :)

Nice to know that you are still out there "exploring"!!!