Eyebrow coloring tutorialhylian-dragoness on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hylian-dragoness/art/Eyebrow-coloring-tutorial-179884429hylian-dragoness

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Eyebrow coloring tutorial



Oh wow, thanks for all of the faves! <3 I'm happy this can help people ^______^


FULL VIEW! :iconimhappyplz:






So...one day I saw a tut on cosplay.com for how to change your eyebrow colors to match your wig and thought "Oh! Cool!" and checked it out. Instead of eyeshadow, it used paint. I tried it and...I failed. Miserably 8'D I then saw some blue-green eyeshadow at Hot Topic when I was cosplaying at the mall and thought the hell with it, I'll give it a try.

And whaddya know, it works XD

I made this at :iconmomokochi:'s insistence, plus I always keep on forgetting...xD It took me like an hour because I had to use picnik to type everything (paint crapped out on me, and my gimp doesn't have any font), and it doesn't move down font into a paragraph--it just keeps on going in a line of text forever and ever...




- elmer's school liquid glue that dries clear ;3 havne't tried using glue sticks, but that may work too

- q-tips~ use them to apply the eyeshadow and glue! i recommend getting some with really fine tips for accurateness but it's okay if you can't get them

- eyeshadow! i use Hot Topic's baked eyeshadow ( [link] ), it's SUPER intense! I haven't used any other brands, if they work tell me :3

step 1:

apply the glue with a q-tip for the less messy results. Just one layer should be fine. drying time is around i think minutes, but i just go by whenever my eyebrows are hard. also! apply the glue going "with" the direction of your eyebrow lashes. it'll be harder and look yuck if your eyebrows are all mussed up.

step 2:

eyeshadow time! loooooad it up on another q-tip--i usually make indents in my eyeliner from how hard i press. this is where the fine point q-tip would be handy since it's easier to be more precise.

step 3:

do the same thing to your other eyebrow ^^

step 4:

put on your wig! that's really there is all to it haha! super easy :3 just don't rub your head with the back of your hand or else it'll smear lol.


don't forget to take it off when you switch/take off wigs (especially at a con)

trust me XD


Q & A

Where did you get your wig O:
- ebay. where I get everything 8'D

Where'd you get the eyeshadow @_______@
- Hot Topic. Where I get a lot of stuff XD [link]

Your shirts changed...

How long does it last?
- For me, it lasts all day at a con ^^ and even overnight when I forgot to take it off once...XD

How does it come off?
- usually I peel off the glue (which gets off a good majority of the eyeshadow) and then wash my face afterwards.

Where's your Nelliel mask?
- Downstairs lol. Too lazy to get it 8'D


Tutorial by me! Please tell me if it was useful and show me pics, I'd love to know ^__________^

edit: hey! I was thinking about making a video tutorial on YouTube, whaddya think?
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RinKagamine696's avatar
would that pluck some of your eyebrow hairs off? and how do you take it off? do i only take it off with water? :3