100 Themes!

8 min read

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hyenacub's avatar
100 Themes... Yes, I have broken down and am going to do a "100 Themes Challenge."   Two of them, actually.  This first is one of the variations posted on the 100 Themes Challenge website.  (That's here.  100themechallengers.deviantart…) It's Xcaii's.  I am limiting myself to non fan art.

I also have a list that's for a fan art 100 club...I am doing Harry Potter for that one.  That one is here:  fanart100.deviantart.com/

And so, here are the lists:


1. Life - Narwhals by hyenacub
2. Youth - Satyr Music by hyenacub
3. Content - New Bait by hyenacub
4. Change -  Storm on the Cliff by hyenacub
5. Dreams -  Battle in the Dreamtime by hyenacub
6. Pessimistic
7. Pirate - Cabin Boy by hyenacub
8. Novel -  Kemp by hyenacub
9. Doom - Doom-Funnel by hyenacub
10. Garden
11. Sadness -  Is okay, human--I love you! by hyenacub
12. Confusion - 
13. Freedom - 
14. Inevitable
15. Idle
16. Vampires - Gangrel Family
17. Convention
18. Roleplaying - Cody Gregor
19. Skull
20. Pain - 
21. Joy - 
22. Time
23. Warmth - 
24. Voodoo
25. Insomnia
26. Solitude
27. Zombies - From the Grave
28. Heaven - 
29. Evil
30. Weary
31. Candyland
32. Robot - 
33. Old-school - hyenacub.deviantart.com/art/Ne…
34. Puppets
35. Flight - 
36. Movie
37. What if...
38. Batman - hyenacub.deviantart.com/art/Ba…
39. Dance - 
40. O RLY???
41. Play - hyenacub.deviantart.com/art/At…
42. Uh-oh... - hyenacub.deviantart.com/art/Ne…
43. Duel - Garou Gunslinger
44. Sound Effect
45. Caption
46. Photo - 
47. Pants
48. Red - hyenacub.deviantart.com/art/Ha…
49. Fiesta
50. Percent
51. Soap Opera
52. Underwear
53. Stress
54. Froof
55. Mutation
56. Skeleton - Towering
57. Rock -
58. Lies
59. Ninja - hyenacub.deviantart.com/art/Ne…
60. Message -  Declawed by hyenacub
61. Bugs - hyenacub.deviantart.com/art/Wa…
62. Effort - 
63. Bandaid
64. WHYYYY -  Backbreaker by hyenacub
65. Imaginary - hyenacub.deviantart.com/art/Ni…
66. Fly Me to the Moon - 
67. Discovery - 
68. What? - 
69. Adhesive
70. Underworld
71. KAWAII DESU - Brothers
72. Mecha
73. Random - hyenacub.deviantart.com/art/Li…
74. Video Game - 
75. Crisis
76. Insanity
77. Ice
78. Working Hard - 
79. Hardly Working - Surfer Elf
80. Sandwich
81. Clone
82. Clumsy
83. Keyboard - Keiran Black
84. Hope - 
85. Song - 
86. Surprise -  Kapow by hyenacub
87. Cursed
88. Awesomeness - hyenacub.deviantart.com/art/Su…
89. Internet
90. Fire - 
91. Orange
92. Love
93. Annoyance - hyenacub.deviantart.com/art/St…
94. Misunderstanding
95. Fantasia
96. Puppy
97. Lost
98. Pie
99. Fate - hyenacub.deviantart.com/art/Fi…
100. Death - 

:bulletblack:  :bulletblack:  :bulletblack:  :bulletblack:  :bulletblack:  :bulletblack:


001. Beginnings.  fav.me/d25mldw
002. Middles.
003. Ends. - 
004. Insides. - fav.me/d263f5j
005. Outsides.
006. Hours.
007. Days.
008. Weeks. - fav.me/d4ijg87
009. Months. - fav.me/d22brer
010. Years. - hyenacub.deviantart.com/art/Ha…
011. Red.
012. Orange. - fav.me/d1erzva
013. Yellow.
014. Green. - hyenacub.deviantart.com/art/Te…
015. Blue.
016. Purple.
017. Brown. - fav.me/d26bemk
018. Black.
019. White.
020. Colourless.
021. Friends. - hyenacub.deviantart.com/art/Be…
022. Enemies. - hyenacub.deviantart.com/art/Mc…
023. Lovers.
024. Family.
025. Strangers. - fav.me/d31uf8k
026. Teammates. - hyenacub.deviantart.com/art/We…
027. Parents. - fav.me/d4g03t8
028. Children. - fav.me/d30dbhr
029. Birth. - 
030. Death. - 
031. Sunrise.
032. Sunset.
033. Too Much.
034. Not Enough.
035. Sixth Sense.
036. Smell.
037. Sound.
038. Touch.
039. Taste. - 
040. Sight. - 
041. Shapes.
042. Triangle.
043. Square.
044. Circle. - fav.me/d25a8ux
045. Moon. - fav.me/d228w5j
046. Star. - 
047. Heart.
048. Diamond.
049. Club.
050. Spade.
051. Water.
052. Fire.
053. Earth.
054. Air. - fav.me/d25nf7v
055. Spirit.
056. Breakfast. - fav.me/d4hwtld
057. Lunch. - fav.me/d4cs2qc
058. Dinner.
059. Food.
060. Drink.
061. Winter.
062. Spring.
063. Summer.
064. Fall. - fav.me/d1hnhno
065. Passing. - 
066. Rain.
067. Snow.
068. Lightning. - fav.me/d25vk64
069. Thunder.
070. Storm. - fav.me/d4ekam8
071. Broken.  fav.me/d4dnfq2
072. Fixed.
073. Light. - fav.me/d26eby1
074. Dark. - fav.me/d1kvotj
075. Shade.
076. Who? - hyenacub.deviantart.com/art/De…
077. What? - fav.me/d25hr9z
078. Where?
079. When?
080. Why? - 
081. How? - fav.me/d275ddh
082. If.
083. And.
084. He.
085. She. - fav.me/d2668ag
086. Choices. - hyenacub.deviantart.com/art/Th…
087. Life. - 
088. School.
089. Work.
090. Home. - fav.me/d4hwzri
091. Birthday.
092. Christmas.
093. Thanksgiving.
094. Independence.
095. New Year.
096. Artist's Choice. - fav.me/d1hy1nw
097. Artist's Choice. - fav.me/d271u3u
098. Artist's Choice. - hyenacub.deviantart.com/art/Sp…
099. Artist's Choice. - fav.me/d4fp9hn
100. Artist's Choice. -


Please check out my galleries at Ellen Million Graphics (fantasy artwork), and Portrait Adoption (single-run prints of characters for RPGs and the like).


I host fanfiction here: Pentafandom

I have website themes here: Themes!

I am Wormtail in the deviantART Harry Potter Crew!


Please check out my clubs! (Mine as in I am in them, not an owner or admin.)

:iconpotterart: :iconportraitadoption:     :iconcollab-da:

:iconda-mentors: :iconcolor-me-club:  :iconlionkingfanclub:

© 2008 - 2024 hyenacub
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