Hydrix6 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hydrix6/art/Corruption-Sulphur-Reference-745016839Hydrix6

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[Corruption] Sulphur Reference



Character reference for the half-human, half-metaform, Sulphur.

Gender: Male 
Species: Human - Meta
Metaform Classification: Medium Metaforms
Occupation: Scout of the Scoren
Personality: Quiet, Slightly Hostile, Friendly to people he knows, Protective of those he cares about, bit of an edge lord
Weight: 199.3 Ibs
Height: 4 ft 7 in to the back

Sulphur was born and raised in the Scoren clan village deep in a valley surrounded by forestry, a river run's threw the village allowing plentiful amounts of fresh water to supply the village and its people. He became a human - meta early on in his life and once of age became apart of the scout regiment that was responsible for patrolling the borders and going on recon missions. He's very close to the village people and doesn't like outsiders in their territory, out of all the scouts he's the most intimidating and the most threatening with three toxic scorpion tails that can twin into a one large tail, powerful jaws, the ability to breath smoldering smoke and ash along with flight, he is the most elite scout in the regiment and highly respected.    
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1279x721px 148.2 KB
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Alliion's avatar
Approved thank you very much! :D