Sypher Run Animationhybridmink on DeviantArt

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hybridmink's avatar

Sypher Run Animation



.:Project: Rudra patreon .  tumblr.  pinterest .  instagram .  twitter .  facebook .   Store(prints/shirts/cases).  gumroad(HD psd files):.

Sypher's running animation for Project: Rudra. He runs even faster when he's low on health! I'll most likely add some dust and possibly spark effects in-game where the sword hits the ground.

If you'd like to learn more about Project: Rudra, you can read all about it on my Patreon or just ask me right here as I'm always happy to talk about it. Any support you can provide goes a long way to helping me finish! Also if you have any ideas for Patreon incentives that would interest you enough to donate, let me know!
Image size
319x306px 182.79 KB
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