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.:Project: Rudra patreon .  tumblr.  pinterest .  instagram .  twitter .  facebook .   Store(prints/shirts/cases).  gumroad(HD psd files):.

*3.31.15 UPDATE: I tweaked the colors a bit on this one. You can also grab an HD version of this image for $3(300 points). Download includes an additional image with transparent background. (Link on the right)

If you'd like some stuff (prints, phone cases, shirts, etc.) with this picture on it, please check out my RedBubble shop! Even if you don't, simply clicking the "like" button on the page or sharing this link will go a long way!…

You would think that Ocarina of Time being my favorite game of all time, and Smash Bros being my favorite multiplayer series; I would HAVE to use Link! Well I don’t!

Though I do use Zelda.

…and Toon Link.

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829x900px 807.3 KB
© 2015 - 2025 hybridmink
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Waluigi516's avatar
Honestly I like the TP designs more than the current ones, and Smash 4 did them perfectly