Collab - Sweets ParadiseHyanna-Natsu on DeviantArt

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Collab - Sweets Paradise



♦ Collaborative work with SP-Nova of our OCs Hester and Momo!

This time around we tried a different collab, that shows both sides on the same picture!
Hester, the brown-haired girl was sketched by SP, lined by me, base colored by him and shaded by me. 
Momo, is the other way around, I did the sketch, but the lines and shading are by SP C:
The sweets was the most fun thing to color to be honest ♥ ♥
We also shared the work on them, half was lined by me, half by him! 
The strawberries are a great experience * A*) as well cakes! hsjlfasdhasdhal
Best part is that I was hungry while coloring them pfffffff

Collabs are fun but they require a lot of communication, we missed some stuff and wasn't clear about a few details, nothing troublesome, but enough to make us to learn to plan and talk things better if we do more on future (or collab with other people). Overall, was a very nice experience again!
Another collabs:
Gift - Love Garden by Hyanna-Natsu Collab Gift - Happy Bday to the most sweet peach by Hyanna-Natsu

• • •
Tablet Wacom Bamboo Connect Pen | Paint Tool Sai | Edited in Photoshop
Art and Characters (c) Hyanna-Natsu + SP-Nova 
Don't repost, copy, edit, sell or use without my permission.

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* by Kittyrocker
Image size
1007x1200px 1013.64 KB
© 2017 - 2025 Hyanna-Natsu
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I-Dont-Carrot-Tall's avatar
So cute! I love how the background is blurred in places and how my eye is lead to their faces. V good :P