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hxmllock's avatar




It's october 58th so here's some spooky scary art 👻
Full res version for all the tasty details: click


My entry for the 2022 dainty halloween contest! I've been wanting to draw something that looked like a movie poster for a while now, so this was kinda perfect! Hopefully the colors look okay?? It's looks very different on my PC vs my phone OTL. I also wanted to include some animation, but this took way too long already :' )

The idea I had in mind while concepting the poster!: (some things may be OOC, apologies!!)
The 3 dainties (Rosette, Versailles, Yurireisu) are supposed to be the 'monsters' that the center group will be encountering. The center group (Alfonso, Kamui, Twyla, Twig, and Lysander) are on a summer trip, driving around the country and seeing the sights when they hear strange rumors in the next town over. Disappearances, abandoned cars, haunting noises coming from deep within the forest. Wanting some excitement before summer ends, Twyla convinces the group to stop by the town on their way back. Just a quick pit stop. Along the way, they meet a eccentric scientist (Rot) and a mourning widow (Ruella) who both somehow get involved with the group's investigation, whether they wanted the help or not. The whole gang expectedly get turned around in the forest but receive unexpected help from a friendly 'monster', Jophiel. Jophiel tries to get them to leave the forest but is unable to convince them, so the group gets another member. Cue the whole scary movie plot: people get separated, discover an abandoned mansion that is filled to the brim with booby traps, hollow walls, and creepy furniture, and ultimately corner the 3 'monsters'. Then the plot twist: they aren't responsible for any of the strange rumors, disappearances, or hauntings. Rot and Ruella reveal themselves as the masterminds behind everything unfortunate that's been happening. The gang gets separated but push through, evading even more traps and deadly events to ultimately come back together to take down Rot and Ruella. 
It's very cliche and cheesy, but I like it a lot nonetheless haha

Dainties from top to bottom, left to right:

Rosette, Versailles - sheolu 
Yurireisu - moonilymoth  
Jophiel - DapperMellow
Alfonso - kiyuxi
Kamui - mithra @ TH
Twyla - me!
Twig - GaIacticguts
Lysander - cleavxrs
Rot - necroromancey
Ruella - VainVampire


Image size
3088x5071px 32.94 MB
© 2022 - 2024 hxmllock
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sugarsIugs's avatar

oh my godd this is insane!! i love all the details and your style is absolutely gorgeous!! i really like all the sharp little highlights, it really makes things pop! awesome work, thank you so much for entering, good luck o/