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Huussii's avatar

The Dimwitted Mailmare




TIME LAPSE: [link]

I thought this would be a perfect last picture for this summer. This piece is a reiteration from this one, my very first colorized digital pony work which dates back to 2.6.2011 and just never came to be.. Later I did the Lyra instead. I've wanted to redo this piece for a good while, 'cause I liked the idea.

So yeah, just keep believing in what you want to do, and this can be the progress you do in just two years.

And yes it is a last picture of this summer 'cause I'll be going on sort of a partial hiatus as my mandatory military service begins tomorrow, and it'll keep me busy for about 12 months. I still have weekends and some holidays for artsy stuff but yeh..

Edit: All comments from now on will be answered in few weeks once I have my first weekend break. See ya soon!
Image size
1200x1440px 1.78 MB
© 2013 - 2024 Huussii
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TurquoiseThought's avatar
Näyttää uskomattoman realistiselta! Kuvakulma on mielenkiintoinen ja toimii erinomaisesti. Tuo tausta on kuin valokuvasta mutta silti siinä on oma kaunis maalausmaisuutensa. Valoitus on ihanan pehmeää tässä työssä. Aivan upeaa työtä!