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August 17, 2015
The Celestial Night by Huussii has a real sense of depth enhanced by the lighting of the stars and size of the subjects.
Featured by Lyricanna
Huussii's avatar

The Celestial Night


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Old friends studying their old friends.


Thanks for everyone who took a peek around the stream. Now I can plan those out better in the future...

Sooo yeah. Probably my longest piece to date in terms of raw work time, days passed from start to finish, time spent being frustrated, whatnot. I started this one before I had even got out of the military. It ended up being a project that I just didn't get myself working on because I screwed up pretty early on and didn't plan it out well enough. On top of that it has so many details and things to paint. I occasionally just tried to get back to it but ended up just trying to fix the composition and layout, never being satisfied, thus closing it off again for a while until I come back to repeat the same mistake. Eventually it started to work out by itself when I just tried to care less about the issues and just continue painting it.

The idea originally came out from the fact I wanted to paint the Ursae because it's just funny how the series has forgotten about two freaking huge celestial bears living near Ponyville, even after all the stuff with Tirek and such. First it was just about Major, then I added minor, then I chose to add Twilight to give more story for the picture, and finally Trixie to make it all click into place. I intended to get this one done before the finale but that obviously didn't happen.

All in all. It has been one hell of a work, and my vision has gone so clouded with it that I can't tell whether I'm really satisfied or not in the end.
Image size
2333x1080px 1.7 MB
© 2014 - 2024 Huussii
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lights398's avatar

beautiful <33 poor Trixie seems triggered though