Jewel of the Foresthungriestcrocodile on DeviantArt

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hungriestcrocodile's avatar

Jewel of the Forest



Sketch can be found at [link]
Detail of the bird: [link]

Spent sooo much time on this >__< It was great to get back to using ps again, but I started the picture on a different computer, and ended up losing around 5 versions of it transfering the file by email. Well, here's the furtherst I got on one version. I ended up having to paint the beak 4 different times because I kept on losing them on differnet computers (Yes I am an idiot lol)

The tail was a pain... Must convince someone to buy me a tablet... or let me buy one myself - -;;

PS 9
30+ hrs
Image size
1144x742px 81.56 KB
© 2006 - 2025 hungriestcrocodile
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munte's avatar
Gosh this looks so real!! I can almost picture it suddently flying away .
Beautiful!! I love it :love: