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Ogpreview by symonxSo many fun and creative duos from the #HowToTrainYourDragon universe were discovered in the “Discover Your Duo” Contest, judged by Director Dean DeBlois in collaboration with @UniversalEnt. Check out the winners!
<da:widget type="twitter.share" value="{"url":"bit.ly/DA_HTTYDW","c… many fun and creative duos from the #HowToTrainYourDragon universe were discovered in the “Discover Your Duo” Contest, judged by Director Dean DeBlois in collaboration with @UniversalEnt. Check out the winners!"}"/>
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DeviantArt teamed up with Universal Home Entertainment and DreamWorks to put out a call for deviations of dynamic duos from the Hidden World and beyond. You did not disappoint. So many fun and creative duos were discovered.

We sent 25 incredible Semi-Finalist duos from the How to Train Your Dragon universe to series director Dean DeBlois, and we’re excited to share the winners that he hand-selected with you!

A huge thank you to everybody who submitted, and please join us in congratulating the winners.

Fishing companion

$4,000 USD

1 Year Core Membership

8,000 DeviantArt Points

How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World Blu-ray™ + DVD + Digital Combo Pack

How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World Soundtrack

Contest Entry Discover your Duo

$2,000 USD

1 Year Core Membership

6,000 DeviantArt Points

How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World Blu-ray™ + DVD + Digital Combo Pack

How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World Soundtrack

Gobber and Hobgobbler

$1,000 USD

6 Month Core Membership

4,000 DeviantArt Points

How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World Blu-ray™ + DVD + Digital Combo Pack

How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World Soundtrack

<da:widget type="twitter.share" value="{"url":"bit.ly/DA_HTTYDW","c… many fun and creative duos from the #HowToTrainYourDragon universe were discovered in the “Discover Your Duo” Contest, judged by Director Dean DeBlois in collaboration with @UniversalEnt. Check out the winners!"}"/>
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© 2019 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved. © 2019 DreamWorks Animation LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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Ogpreview by symonxSo many fun and creative duos from the #HowToTrainYourDragon universe were discovered in the “Discover Your Duo” Contest, judged by Director Dean DeBlois in collaboration with @UniversalEnt. Check out the winners!
<da:widget type="twitter.share" value="{"url":"bit.ly/DA_HTTYDW","c… many fun and creative duos from the #HowToTrainYourDragon universe were discovered in the “Discover Your Duo” Contest, judged by Director Dean DeBlois in collaboration with @UniversalEnt. Check out the winners!"}"/>
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We asked you to dive into your imagination and create your favorite dynamic duos from the How to Train Your Dragon series, and the duos you submitted were out of this world!

Thank you for being so creative and innovative with your original fan art pieces. We are excited to share the 25 Semi-Finalists and three Honorable Mentions with you. Congratulations to these artists!

The 25 Semi-Finalists' entries will now be viewed by Dean DeBois, director of the How to Train Your Dragon trilogy, to select the First, Second, and Third Place winners.

<da:widget type="twitter.share" value="{"url":"bit.ly/DA_HTTYDW","c… many fun and creative duos from the #HowToTrainYourDragon universe were discovered in the “Discover Your Duo” Contest, judged by Director Dean DeBlois in collaboration with @UniversalEnt. Check out the winners!"}"/>
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© 2019 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved. © 2019 DreamWorks Animation LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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Img-04 X by symonxIn Recognition of Exemplary Membership and an Outstanding Spirit of helpfulness and mentoring within the DeviantArt community, join us in celebrating the latest recipient of the Deviousness Award!

In Recognition of Exemplary Membership and an Outstanding Spirit of helpfulness and mentoring within the DeviantArt community

Introducing el-grimlock


My name is Mauricio but I came to the lands of DeviantArt in 2004 with the nickname of elgrimlock, a pseudonym that was born as a joke alluding to my Hispanic origin, combining a joke from the Simpsons ("ElBarto") and the name of my favourite Dinobot.I have been a freelance illustrator for video games and TCG for 25 years, a super demanding activity that I can always rest from by visiting the site that I consider my “treehouse”: DeviantArt. Here I can always connect with my inner fan and recharge energies watching and sharing everything I like.My wish as a child was to make art with an epic fantasy theme and sci-fi, but in the 90s in my country, there was no way to work on anything like that, so my beginnings were as an illustrator in advertising agencies.

The truth is that I did not feel comfortable there, so I started working on personal projects, like a superheroes comic book and later in a collectible card game called “Mitos y Leyendas” in Chile that exists until today.But it was not until I joined DeviantArt that I could truly share my art in a global community and meet a multitude of artists with the same concerns.In hindsight I think DeviantArt really was something revolutionary, it literally changed the rules of the game for many of us. Personally, it allowed me to have access to numerous jobs that were important for my professional development and to meet people and instances that changed my life.

June 2019

Deviousness Award Winner

elgrimlock's gallery is full of recognizable characters from a multitude of familiar worlds. Mauricio is a talented and sought after artist who has been working professionally for decades and whose work for titles such as God of War, Street Fighter, World of Warcraft, and many others, have garnered him quite a following on DeviantArt. However, it is far more than his spectacular artwork that keeps deviants flocking to him, it is his approachable demeanour and happiness to share trade secrets and tips that truly makes the community adore him.  A beaming example of artistic leadership and community love - we are thrilled to award Deviousness for June 2019 to elgrimlock.

Showing some love

Community Quotes

:iconmr-ripley: :iconalexx-c: :icondasgnomo: :icondarkereve: :icontahopaints: :iconcaladors: :iconchutkat: :iconandronicusvii:

Mauricio Herrera, aka "El-Grimlock", is a talented professional artist from Chile who worked as an illustrator since the age of 19. He principally works in the "trading card" art area, usually in projects related with themes like High Fantasy, sci-fi, sometimes horror, mixed with some elements close to the style own of the comic-books, manga and video game aesthetic influence. I enjoy the line art in his works a lot. They look fun and full of confidence. I don't wonder why his gallery has got over 2.5 million page views or why his clients are worldwide brands and companies including Sony, God of War, Blizzard, etc. Congratulations to El-Grimlock on the Deviousness Award. Well deserved.

Mauricio's artwork was one of my early inspirations to join the community on DA. I remember found his gallery back in 2007 and I was hooked immediately! From his colouring, amazing compositions, and complex and badass artwork, I just couldn't get enough, and he is one of the few popular artists I remember to reply and comment back to his viewers, which was really huge for me. I think Mauricio is an inspiration and a great artist we can all learn and be inspired by, so congratulations in this amazing achievement, he totally deserves the honour. Keep inspiring us all with your amazing and badass work.

Frank Frazetta once said: “I hope my work has inspired young artists”. One of those artists is for sure Mauricio “El-Grimlock” Herrera, whose work, art contributions, ideas, teachings and committed mentorships over time also inspired thousands of young dreamers in Chile and all around the globe to initiate their paths into the big world of art (including yours truly). Master of masters, he is always eager to pass his knowledge and his professional advice to any talented and promising artist or artist to be. During all his career as illustrator and graphic designer, he’s been giving many conferences, lectures, workshops, judging international contests, motivating others and assisting everyone by giving them high-quality guidance tons of times expecting nothing in return. He’s the one that shares and keeps sharing never hiding his resources and tips to anyone. He is an example of integrity, goodwill, patience, trust, loyalty, knowledge, pioneering, talent, and hard work. Probably one of the most inspiring, respected, recognized illustrators and creators in his own country and certainly, of course, worldwide. Thank you for everything, Mauricio, thank you El Grimlock, from all of us

A brief stroll through El-Grimlock's gallery will show you what an amazing and talented artist he is, but a deeper look at his paintings reveals an incredible passion and creativity, no matter what subject matter or style he tries! His scenes are beautifully composed, expertly rendered, and most importantly, they tell a story. It is inspiring to see, and I am glad we have artists like el-grimlock in the DeviantArt community!

I've been an admirer of Mauricio's art for a while now, impressed by his ability to inject his personal style into familiar characters. There's a strong sense of movement and bold colours that grace his every work, but a little roughness in the rendering that keeps things interesting and loose. I love the comic style fused with painterly textures, it's always a little push or pull in either direction. He totally deserves this recognition and I'm grateful I'm able to connect with artists from all over the globe thanks to dA being the awesome platform that it is!

Where I first came across @el-grimlocks art I cannot be sure, but what I can be sure of is the feeling that it stirs. It always has energy and a flare to it. When I found him here, I had to follow him. What surprised me is how much of a fan he was, a fan of a lot of the properties I loved. He wasn't just using DeviantArt as advertisement, he was showing off the things he loved. Despite the years and work, he has never lost his passion and that is inspiring.

El trabajo de el-grimlock ha sido una gran fuente de inspiración desde que comencé como artista profesional. Y he tenido el placer y gusto de haber hablado un par de veces con esta maravillosa persona que no deja de asombrarme. Lo que mas me gusta de su trabajo, es su uso asombroso uso del color y cualquier pieza que agarres, demuestran esta increíble tonalidad que es un deleite para mirar. Te mereces este Deviousness Award y muchas cosas mas! elgrimlock 's work has always been a great inspiration source ever since I started as a professional artist. I've had the pleasure of talking a couple of times with this marvellous person that doesn't stop surprising me. What I love about their work the most is their amazing use of colour and any piece that you choose will show this incredible colour vibrancy that is so pleasing to look at. You deserve this Deviousness Award and many other things!

When I was asked to say something about elgrimlock my first thought was "He's always awesome!" Then I sat down and tried to think of something more specific. His work is metal and badass. It's vibrant. He can take an old idea and give it an awesome new sheen, or come up with something brand new and amazing. However, if I had to pick one thing to truly praise him for, it was a recent picture memorializing the recently passed Kazuhiko Kato. Respectful and classy. Perhaps I should just say elgrimlock really is just always awesome

Congratulations to elgrimlock!

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Og3 by symonxThe masks have fallen, and the winners of Code Geass Revival Fan Art Contest, sponsored by Funimation, have been chosen! See who the judges picked and browse the other entries:

13+ Contest is for U.S. and Canada Only

The MasksHave Fallen

Last week, the 25 Semi-Finalists for the Code Geass Revival Fan Art Contest were announced! DeviantArt and the creative team behind the Code Geass: Lelouch of the Re;surrection are heartened by the many high-caliber entries we've received throughout the course of this contest.

Without further ado, here are the winners of the Code Geass Revival Fan Art Contest, as selected by Goro Taniguchi, Director of Code Geass: Lelouch of the Re;surrection.

Thank you to everyone who entered the Code Geass Revival Fan Art Contest!

Revive by Spikie

Judge's comments

There's a story being told in this drawing from corner to corner, guiding the emotions of the viewer. It was very captivating. This artwork guides the viewer's eyes as if there is camera work involved in it. The dramatic effect that is produced by this was intriguing from the very beginning.


Selfish Pieta by Nyanfood

Judge's comments

This artwork best expresses what "Lelouch of the Re;surrection" is all about. The red of the flowers, mask and the mantle work very well to express the theme. This drawing also takes a different approach compared to past official artwork, which adds to its appeal.

Revive by Spikie

Judge's comments

There's a story being told in this drawing from corner to corner, guiding the emotions of the viewer. It was very captivating. This artwork guides the viewer's eyes as if there is camera work involved in it. The dramatic effect that is produced by this was intriguing from the very beginning.

The moment that changes me and the world by RamblingRhubarb

Judge's comments

The color palette used along with the sense of movement and painterly brushstrokes is reminiscent of an Old Master painting. C.C.'s eyes are especially expressive here and lend a poignant emotion as a focal point of the piece, as well.


Selfish Pieta by Nyanfood

Winner of a trip to Japan!

Judge's comments

This artwork best expresses what Lelouch of the Re;surrection is all about. The red of the flowers, mask and the mantle work very well to express the theme. This drawing also takes a different approach compared to past official artwork, which adds to its appeal.

The moment that changes me and the world by RamblingRhubarb

Judge's comments

The color palette used along with the sense of movement and painterly brushstrokes is reminiscent of an Old Master painting. C.C.'s eyes are especially expressive here and lend a poignant emotion as a focal point of the piece, as well.

<da:widget wytiwyg="1" type="twitter.share" value="{"url":"bit.ly/DA_CodeGeassW",&qu… masks have fallen, and the winners of Code Geass Revival Fan Art Contest, sponsored by Funimation, have been chosen! See who the judges picked and browse the other entries: "}">
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©2019 FunimationFilms. All Rights Reserved.

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Ogpreview by symonxSo many fun and creative duos from the #HowToTrainYourDragon universe were discovered in the “Discover Your Duo” Contest, judged by Director Dean DeBlois in collaboration with @UniversalEnt. Check out the winners!
<da:widget wytiwyg="1" type="twitter.share" value="{"url":"bit.ly/DA_HTTYDW","c… many fun and creative duos from the #HowToTrainYourDragon universe were discovered in the “Discover Your Duo” Contest, judged by Director Dean DeBlois in collaboration with @UniversalEnt. Check out the winners!"}">
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Contest Closed

<da:embed id="1VfmTtCJvPA" profile="youtube">

Night Fury and Light Fury; name a more iconic duo from the How to Train Your Dragon world. No, really, name one, then draw it!

To celebrate the home entertainment release of the new HTTYD film we want to see you bring your favorite character combos from the Hidden World to life! Fishlegs and Meatlug riding together through Berk? Hiccup and Astrid exploring the glowing secret dragon caverns? Maybe Light Fury and Gronkle playing fireball tag on the high seas!?

We want to see you interpret your favorite dynamic duos from the series and explore their unique bonds as they adventure through the lush Viking Islands and the magical Hidden World beyond!

First, Second and Third Place winners will be chosen by series writer and director Dean DeBlois.

We've asked a few dragon riders to discover their favorite duos from the How to Train Your Dragon universe! Check out the duos these riders created below and get inspired to discover your own!

<da:embed id="sY6P3jCuUAc" profile="youtube">
<da:embed id="BL-7S-Y7Q4c" profile="youtube">
<da:embed id="CkJyVrgiAq0" profile="youtube">

Travel to the Hidden World by watching the tutorial.

Discover your favorite duos.

Create an original piece of art showcasing your favorite duo from the How to Train Your Dragon universe!

Enter the contest here!

Contest Closed

$4,000 USD

Prize Money

1 Year Core Membership

8,000 DeviantArt Points

How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World Blu-ray Combo Pack

How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

$2,000 USD

Prize Money

1 Year Core Membership

6,000 DeviantArt Points

How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World Blu-ray Combo Pack

How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

$1,000 USD

Prize Money

6 Month Core Membership

4,000 DeviantArt Points

How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World Blu-ray Combo Pack

How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

3 Month Core Membership

2,000 DeviantArt Points

How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World Blu-ray Combo Pack

How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

3 Month Core Membership

3,000 DeviantArt Points

The How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World - Discover Your Duo Contest Begins AT 12:00:00 PM (PT - Los Angeles Time) on MAY 8, 2019 AND ENDS AT 11:59:59 PM (PT - Los Angeles Time) ON MAY 28, 2019 (THE "PROMOTION PERIOD").

  • Entrant must be at least thirteen (13) years old as of May 8, 2019 to be eligible to enter the Contest.
  • Entrant must submit a completed entry of a dynamic duo from the How to Train Your Dragon Universe.
  • ARV of all prizing is $9,317.50 USD.

Twenty-five (25) semi-finalists will be selected from all eligible and qualified entries by a panel of full-time DeviantArt staff, along with an independent judge not affiliated with DeviantArt, on or about June 3, 2019. The First, Second, Third Place Works, using the same criteria and methodology, will be selected from the semi-finalists by How to Train Your Dragon writer and director Dean DeBlois. Additionally, three individuals will be awarded Honorable Mentions.

The semi-finalists will be selected on the basis of:

  • How to Train Your Dragon Universe Compatibility
  • Originality of Concept
  • Artistic Skill; and
  • Success in Portraying the Contest Theme.

Please read the Oficial Rules for more details about judging.

Answer in the comments below.

What is your favorite species of dragon?

What are some unlikely duos that you have discovered?

 What was once a Hidden World for you and what did you discover?

<da:widget wytiwyg="1" type="twitter.share" value="{"url":"bit.ly/DA_HTTYDW","c… many fun and creative duos from the #HowToTrainYourDragon universe were discovered in the “Discover Your Duo” Contest, judged by Director Dean DeBlois in collaboration with @UniversalEnt. Check out the winners!"}">
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© 2019 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved. © 2019 DreamWorks Animation LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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