Depression and future plans.

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HPGirl28's avatar
Hello everyone. Just recently I had just got out of depression and just in time for the holidays.

Life can be a pain and can effect everyone in different way. One of the worse one is depression. Long story short. Depression is a bitch and difficult to get out of. I just am glad to say that I am glad to be alive and it is glad to have friends & family to help me out. Even though some family issues are still out there, I am just glad to be still around.

On a lighter note, I do have a confession to make. Like many people, I have some secrets that may or may not offend a lot of people. Especially on deviant art.

1st off I am envious of chubby people. Yes that right. I wish to be fat and desire it so. Many people may think "It's a Phase" or " She nuts". But no it is not. There are many people in the world that are okay with obesity and don't feel ashamed. Despite the world telling everyone is wrong to be fat but hey so is everything else. Too much of anything can effect a person. To make this short, I want to be fat. If you don't like it, then it's none of your business.


2nd is that I am a Brony. That's right. I watch  "My Little Pony" even though I am in my 20's. 

Why am I telling you this. 

Well I am trying to decide whether or not I should make a separate Deviant account for my reviews. There are many deviants who have multi accounts to keep things separated and need help making that choice.

Please put down below if I should start up a different deviant page to keep my reviews on MLP, Movies, and or TV reviews. Or keep everything on this one.

© 2015 - 2025 HPGirl28
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gpsc's avatar
Weren't you in rotc? That must make it extra stigmatizing wishing you were chubby. I wish I knew something helpful to say to you... And I'm sure nobody thinks negatively of you for liking mlp. You're awesome that's all we care about