Amy Zahn Victorious Part 10 by Shag49931, literature
Amy Zahn Victorious Part 10
Amy Zahn Victorious, Part 10
By EricJ
( Make sure you read Parts 1 through 9 before this, or none of this will make sense! Re-watching Amy Zahn in the Superfriends episode "Attack of the 50 Woman" before reading Part 1 may also be useful for knowing characters!)
Previous chapters at
Amy Zahn Victorious Links Page
All characters are copyright DC Comics or Hanna-Barbera, and no challenge to the copyright is intended. This story is intended to be a re-telling from a different point of view, and exploration of a particular character.
This story may be freely distributed so long as author credit is maintained and no alterations are made outside of formatting or file type conversions.
The impromptu press conference outside the so-called "Area 60" military zone around the original Zahn laboratory complex was a marked contrast to the organized chaos of the earlier press event at Ferris Aviation. With little advance notice, the "organized chaos" had lost of most of its
Let's congratulate Mindy Marvel on her 10 year anniversary of when she first pulled a car door off its hinges while as the civilian, Melinda Crane while trying to go to work. :clap: