Flag of the Yi peoplehosmich on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/hosmich/art/Flag-of-the-Yi-people-391349966hosmich

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hosmich's avatar

Flag of the Yi people



Flags are often used as symbol of language. But some languages never had their own country, so their flags are only ethnic, if they exist. And for Yi people and Nuosu language didn't exist any flag. I have made this flag based on this skirt, but the symbol on it is not specific Yi symbol, but a letter for "skirt". Later I got picture of another Yi dress with needlework and I transformed it to this deviation. The original dress had more crosses, but I chose only three rows in order to make flag square. If you are Yi or Chinese, I expect your feedback.
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varpho's avatar
you have inspired me to make some proposals.