RTVMissionCoverHoshikuzuComics on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hoshikuzucomics/art/RTVMissionCover-153939330HoshikuzuComics

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Here is the cover for the 5 pager of "Mission" For the Muslim Manga Hijab Manga Contest.

Pg 1: [link]
Pg2: [link]
Pg3: [link]
Pg 4: [link]
Pg5: [link]

Colored by Sakura02 :iconsakura02:

The new character is named Cali. :) You will see how this scene unfolds soon enough

RTV, Cali, Minnie, and Elle (c) Me

Image size
678x900px 161.72 KB
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shsn's avatar
I've added this chapter of your manga to Muslim Manga's Manga Viewer: Click here to read your manga there. I will also include it in the manga list page <href="[link]">here later when I have time and add a summary and stuff to it. Maybe you can help by giving me a summary of your overall manga.

I haven't added your other pages though, for a few reasons. One of them being that they are not in a chapter like this one (unless Im mistaken)