RTV: Fashion Tip 1: Pants pg4HoshikuzuComics on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hoshikuzucomics/art/RTV-Fashion-Tip-1-Pants-pg4-128078157HoshikuzuComics

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RTV: Fashion Tip 1: Pants pg4



MM4 Manga Contest :iconmuslim-manga:

Cover: [link]
Pg1: [link]
Pg2: [link]
Pg3: [link]
Pg4: [link]


This drives me insane. Leggings go UNDER clothes they are NOT meant to be pants! I do not want to see your bum jiggling as I walk behind you down the street! I mean really how can any woman think they count as pants?!

Ah now my rant is over :) This is Elle ( dubbed my muslimah alter-ego) giving her two cents. I have decided that her little friends name is Minnie. She pops up and says random things.

still not sure why I chose this shading technique. I may go back to the grayscale shading after this one. Not sure yet.

ink on bristol and photoshop CS3

Please ask permission to use this work. Don't steal, its not nice. Thanks.
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1303x1659px 500.76 KB
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AhmadP's avatar
I miss these. You should do more. It seems your views on dress changed :(