RTV: Advice Equals AHHHH pg2HoshikuzuComics on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hoshikuzucomics/art/RTV-Advice-Equals-AHHHH-pg2-133033736HoshikuzuComics

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RTV: Advice Equals AHHHH pg2



MM4 Manga Contest: :iconmuslim-manga:

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Pg4: [link]

Don't you hate it when people give you "advice" and its really just criticism. And it's never done in a nice way either, always in a patronizing way.

Yes I know pretty much all the things the women are saying are not obligatory. It is commentary on what some people feel is obligatory and is actually cultural or opinion. Its in good fun ladies and gents. I don't think only Arabs wear abaya, I own one myself lol. But someone told me only Arabs wear abaya meaning I cannot and that conversation is what inspired this page.

Here is Elle with two ladies who think they are "helping" her with their knowledge. But are not. And they've given poor Minnie quite a headache.

Elle and Minnie belong to my comic Respect the Veil.
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Do your best an Insha'Allah Allah will be happy with you. : )