FailHoshikuzuComics on DeviantArt

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HoshikuzuComics's avatar




This is how I feel about Ramadan...that I would FAIL.

Why? Because I can't fast. Why? Because I'm hypo-glycemic. Or boarder line enough that when I tried I got really sick only after a couple of hours. The other day I tried I almost passed out and I got a migraine. So I can't fast which makes me feel like I would fail at Ramadan. I've been told its ok to not fast if you have a medical reason but I would still feel like I wasn't doing enough.

So anyway this is Elle, breaking her fast and getting caught by Minnie. Minnie is telling her to go directly to the guilty jail.

Eid Mubarak
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Rainbowdoodler209's avatar
Ramadan must be really frustrating! :/