JackJack - REFHorsewhisperer5 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/horsewhisperer5/art/JackJack-REF-168622703Horsewhisperer5

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JackJack - REF



Introducing my fursona!!! :love:
It's not that Rockstar isn't me, its just that this horse fits me better. :giggle: Plus, she's just... Well... Made of EPIC WIN! :iconawesomefaceplz:

So this is JackJack. :meow: or JJ. Either or. :la:
The camera ate her colors a bit but I still like it. :meow:

Her info: :D

:bulletorange: Show Name: JackJack
:bulletred: Barn Name: JJ
:bulletpurple: Breed: Crillo
:bulletblue: Gender: Mare
:bulletgreen: Height: 16.1hh
:bulletyellow: Color: Grey
Eye Color: Green
:bulletorange: Markings: White patch on underbelly, neck, and face (black lining), front legs fade to black then white, stripes colored blue, green, yellow, orange and pink down cannon, back legs fade black then have large stripes blue, green, yellow, orange, and pink. Large grey (black lined) uneven heart on left shoulder only. Musical notes by eyes, elbow, hock, and inside of foreleg. Checkered hooves. Mane/Tail are black to white w/ blue, green, yellow, orange, and pink stripes. Black 'eyeliner' around eye.
:bulletred: Personality: She can be very quiet but is extremely friendly when approached. Although JJ seems quiet, she can be VERY hyper when riled up. When she is mad, she's more likely to just not listen and become quiet.
:bulletpurple: Accesories: Snake bites. Two long green peircings, two ring earrings and a green stud at the top of each ear. Green spike cross necklace.
:bulletblue: Sire/Dam: Starter
:bulletgreen: Bloodlines:
Unk. Stallion X Unk. Mare
HOMS JackJack
:bulletyellow: Passable Traits:
-Grey Coloring
-Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, or Pink Markings
-Musical note patterns
-White underbelly
-Spikey hair
:bulletorange: OffSpring: None
:bulletred: Breeding: Ask Me
:bulletpurple:Mate: None

:iconimhighplz: I love her so much. :meow:

JackJack & Art (c) :iconhorsewhisperer5:*Horsewhisperer5
Image size
3735x2870px 1.96 MB
KODAK EASYSHARE C182 Digital Camera
Shutter Speed
1/20 second
Focal Length
6 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Feb 23, 2010, 6:30:37 PM
© 2010 - 2025 Horsewhisperer5
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naomithewolf's avatar
oh my gosh this mare is gorgeous! can i have a breeding with her and my stud [link] i understand if not but your mare is epic!