GME Winter Games 2023 - Judged by Crows-CrandySkulls, journal
GME Winter Games 2023 - Judged
Welcome to the Golden Moon Estates Winter Games 2023! Compete and show of your horse's talents in our three classes!
Location: Golden Moon Estates
Time of Year: Winter (Light snow on ground, light snow fall)
Show Ring: Large Outdoor Ring
Close Date: March 1st, 2023
Entries Extras
Rules Classes Judging Prizes Sponsors
Art must be your own, meaning no linearts nor premade backgrounds.
Collabs are exemption to above rule
Check horse and rider/handler ages, disqualification if they are not within accepted age bracket
Horse may only enter one class once, rider is allowed to enter with multiple horses
All breeds welcomed, magical may even show their magics
Working Equitation
Age: Rider 12+yrs // Horse 5+yrs
Equipment: Any Tack Accepted. Riders must be turned out in clean clothes with either a cowboy hat or a helmet. Clean clothes consist of a jacket, white breeches and/or jeans. Tall boots or cowboy boots mandatory
Time of Day: Morning
9th annual Dance of the roses (Closed) by Kilala20000, journal
9th annual Dance of the roses (Closed)
:new: 1/6/23: Hello everyone! I want to wish you a happy new year. I'm sorry for the last minute change but one of my judges had a family emergency and had to step away for a little while. He had asked me to extend this event to the 20th for you guys. So you now have two more weeks to get your entries done and submitted.
A letter from CRS's owner, Emily Kirkland:
Welcome everyone to the 9th annual Dance of the Roses event at Crystal Rose Stables! Last year, there seems to have been some commotion not too far from the stable. I had went to investigate and I believe I have seen some wild horses in the tree line watching the participates dance and some were even dancing to the music that was being played! So, this year, I think we should let them have some fun and join us in our festivities. We have set up a small clearing not too far from the barn so they can dance in peace.
If this is your first time here, we welcome you and don't worry about what to do or where to go.
TKS All-Arabian Yuletide Event! - CLOSED- by Forbidden-Hanyou, journal
TKS All-Arabian Yuletide Event! - CLOSED-
~Welcome to the TKS All-Arabian Yuletide Event!~
This year, we have decided to start up an annual (hopefully) Christmas event & show for purebred, part-bred, & fantasy Arabians, to bring more activity and excitement back to the breed! We welcome all types of Arabians, all strains, and even unnaturally colored Arabians and part-breds! (Part-breds include: Pintabians, Anglo-Arabs, Qarabs, etc) We hope you will enjoy this event, and we can come back next year for another year! See below for all information!
Rules and requirements:
- Classic Head Christmas Portrait Class, Halter & Liberty Classes, the minimum age is 2 months. If a foal is showing at under a year, they must be shown alongside their dam.
- Dressage, Endurance Racing, Cross-Country, Show -Jumping, Reining, Western Pleasure, & Barrel Racing, the minimum age for the horse is 3 years old.
- Correct tack must be used for each event. Helmets required for all classes except Classic Head Christmas Portrait
Please refrain from advertising in the comments section! If you would like to advertise, just make a journal and submit the above information to the appropriate folder thanks!
Sorry about that! Just getting back into my groups since Eclipse made it hard to manage/find group submissions! Now that I finally have the hang of it, please resubmit and sorry for any inconveniences! <3