Pushing Daisies - Hijack AUhope-for-da-snow on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hope-for-da-snow/art/Pushing-Daisies-Hijack-AU-525306047hope-for-da-snow

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Pushing Daisies - Hijack AU



Pushing Daisies AU with Hiccup as Ned and Jack as Chuck. :) Jack is technically a dead loser whom Hic revived with magic, and they can't ever touch each other again or else Jack will plop dead and Hiccup won't be able to revive him. So instead they hold their own hands and pretend it's the other's.

I don't trust Jack with the powers of resurgence.

Tumblr post here: hope-for-snow.tumblr.com/post/…

Referenced from here: pmctvline2.files.wordpress.com…
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540x541px 159.33 KB
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JJWS-01161992's avatar

As Hiccup stared at Jack, he reached around his

back and held his own hand, pretending he was

holding Jack's.

And at that very moment, Jack was pretending to

be holding Hiccup's.