JUKEBOX NorebangHOON on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hoon/art/JUKEBOX-Norebang-32328186HOON

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November 5, 2008
JUKEBOX Norebang by *HOON is a stunning, charming image filled with beautiful lighting, textures and let's not forget a pipe smoking dragon! Be sure to check out the rest of this truly stunning gallery.
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HOON's avatar

JUKEBOX Norebang



a scene from Ninja talkshow.

why a microphone and a drum-machine powered by lady bug matter in the world of Ninja talkshow?
why a Half ware-wolf half dragon carries around a pipe, appears seemingly tamed surrounded by music?

those are the little things that make Ninja talkshow different from other fantasy story. stay tuned, if you will.
more will tickle your fantasy senses soon!

this art was completed last year shortly before the launch of IMAGINE book by IFS, though sketch was done in pencil and paper on early 2003. these lineart has been sitting on me and JUJI's harddrive for awhile, and we finally got to spin it off for the book.
lineart, background and final composition by HOON
characters and the Crawler (wolf/dragon) painted by JUJI
weeee another juji hoonie collab ^^

those little human are GOA. little orphans living in the trees of YEONLIJI [link] [link]
in this particular drawing, these kids are personification of my friends and ex-flatmates. boy on the floor doodling is MIRO, and the little doodle inside his paper was scribbled with quickness by JUJI.

when i returned to California a week ago, ( and staying for rest of APRIL) i really thought it would be walk in the park. a vacation.
damn it. on this little mobile computer, i must have worked more than past couple of months at my work station.
many new clients, many new characters to develop. thanks to you all, things are going okay here. except the fact, i dont get to hang out here and share stuff as often...
im hell bent to get some postings done over the week, so hope to see you often for a week or so! ^^

Ninjatalkshow. copyright HOON and mess studios associates.
Image size
900x765px 739.22 KB
© 2006 - 2025 HOON
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seadogz's avatar
I still come back to this, it inspired and still inspires me ^^