Question - government benefits in your countries

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hontor's avatar
Hello everyone!
In our country there are many rumors about how benefits are paid in the United States and other countries. I mean, direct payments by the state to help citizens. For example, $ 1,200 in the US, assistance in European countries.
Have you personally received such payments? On what terms? Do you need to return this amount later to the state?
I would be grateful for honest answers, because we have a lot of speculation on this topic.
I know from our news that in many countries citizens are simply given money so that they can quarantine and not leave their homes. There are still no such payments in our country; our authorities call this "populism." In our case, citizens want to get at least about 20 thousand Russian rubles (about 270 US dollars) per adult from the government. Also around $ 135 for a child. This idea meets with great resistance from the government.

Thank you :)
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LordMillenIrisGreen's avatar

The acquaintance does not receive anything, the family takes all his money. Lives on the brink of survival.

He himself is from Russia.