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Experiment (VII) - Experiment closed



This is the seventh drawing from a mini-series inside a large series about Eagle and Titmouse. History of Wayne's life in seven shots.

The working title for this series was “The Observers”. Continuing control, indifferent, never sleeping eyes of the cameras, life and death both taking place in prison horribly and casually as part of the experiment. The cameras fixed everything: every word, every conflict and reconciliation, every single moment of life. For Eagle saying something from his heart meant sharing his personal thoughts and experience not only with a friend but also with everyone behind the glass. With those who are to decide whether he possesses a so-called soul or is just imitating human emotions. The observers wanted to get confirmation for the second variant so that they could trade Eagle’s kin without any pricks of conscience. To treat them as smart and useful machines — but still only machines. Meanwhile Titmouse at that time still believed that the records would confirm the opposite. That it was only temporary — all these restrictions and safety measures.

Eagle hid himself behind his ostentatious effort to startle everyone: he jested, he taunted everyone, he provoked confrontation. Fun and frolic on the scaffold it was...

I was so shocked by this life in front of the cameras and impossibility to be sincere, to be yourself, that inside the main series of paintings I drew a mini-series, “The Experiment”. A whole life in just seven frames. However those behind the glass don’t see anything wrong in what happened. They’d even resent my slander: “It was lighter there and a lot more free space. Don’t make such a drama of it!”

Other works in this series:

Experiment (I) Born not for life by hontor  Experiment (II) - Contact by hontor  Experiment (III) - Together by hontor

Experiment (IV) - Conflicts by hontor  Experiment (V) - Impulse wave by hontor  Experiment (VI) - Broken by hontor

Full series and a little about it: The eagle and the little titmouse
Image size
1237x1751px 340.42 KB
© 2019 - 2024 hontor
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FreyrStrongart's avatar
oh oh oh... that is a heart rending series. You're not only a gifted painter but a fantastic story teller!