Hollulu on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hollulu/art/EFNW-The-Crebers-James-Corlett-Brian-Drummond-586692605Hollulu

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EFNW - The Crebers + James Corlett, Brian Drummond



Announcement art-- Super Parents Edition! Made for Everfree Northwest to announce James Corlett, Brian Drummond, Monique Creber, and Michael Creber * They're all the parents of a member of the CMC c:

(Small explanation of MUSCLES: 
"Ian James Corlett played the starring role of Goku in Funimation/Saban's original dub of Dragon Ball Z.", and "Brian is well-known for his role as Vegeta, Yajirobe, and Vegito in the Ocean Studios English dub of the anime series Dragon Ball Z")

As for the black beard and eyebrows, I just thought they looked cooler rather than overwhelming amounts of golden beauty, heh.

muscles are simultaneously the best and worst things to draw
how do I even follow this one up oh my goodness
Image size
4550x3150px 6.63 MB
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XDD Over 9000.....