Just a small town girl, that has nohing better to do rather than dra, and DANCE! Favourite cartoon character: Serena(sailor moon) candy candy Personal Quote: a little of venom wont kill you
It's been so long since I've wrote anything here.
So many things have changed. Now my goal is to be an artist not just performing art such as ballet, also writting screen plays or ballets. Creating new wonders that are hidden in my mind. Become a visual artist.
Sooo..... Yesterday was the birthday party of a friend jajaj it was superduper coool the party specially cause I finally say one of my best friends, after like a year, hell yeah ! it was incredible.AND of course I met new guys and gals jajaj nice!!! it was just what I needed!
Como demonios puede ser posible!!!??? ash!!!
Hay 2 tipas q c la pasan con el tipo q me gusta y kien sab q tonterias le estan metiendo a la kbeza q cada vez q me le acerco el se va , ya ksi no me kiere hablar.......................y para empeorarlo todo el tipo q odio c la pasa hablandome como si fuerams amigos ...........!!!!!!
Pronto empezarems examenes y entrega d proyectos q no he hecho......Pero lo q me %·!"%?"·(%)&" esq las esas malditas arpias esten tanto tiempo cn el !!!!! x q!!!??? demonios dicen ......... siempre q halban me estan mirando y es medio raro!!!