OC: Piercehitorinouta on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/hitorinouta/art/OC-Pierce-200249195hitorinouta

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OC: Pierce



Original Cosplay

:iconblooddrencher: as Elder brother

:iconhitorinouta: as Younger brother

Photo taken by :iconalwayshehe:

Howdy, a photo from Comifest 2011 day 2! How long had it been since my last submission?
Comifest was quite a disappointment because of the limited space for cosplayers to get their photos taken/rest/etc. However, many of us were still, able to get awesome photos from different photographers!
I had quite a number of photos from Comifest but it's all repeated cosplays... Check out my Facebook if you're interested to view them okay? :)

A different style from our usual Yaoi shoots xD.
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2126x1600px 811.99 KB
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Makrolanium7's avatar
The sword is too small for me.
But very beautiful picture.