I'm a professional ceramic artist, and have been for a long time. My animals are all hand modelled.
I also love the world of colours and shapes and enjoy taking photos.
My website www.jen-robinson.com
My facebook ceramic animals page www.facebook.com/JenRobinson.c... to follow my news.
My facebook Hippopottermiss page www.facebook.com/pages/Hippopo... for just my hippo related things.
I am a nature lover and have always been fascinated by animals and plants.
Current Residence: a house by a river in France
deviantWEAR sizing preference: L
Print preference: nice ones
Favourite genre of music: Lots, but not opera.
Favourite style of art: ceramics, photography, glass & fractals
Operating System: my brain & my hands
Shell of choice: The one I found on Tiwi Beach
Wallpaper of choice: My photo of Lake Naivasha
Skin of choice: Octopus for a change?
Happy Birthday!