Himmapaan's avatar


La tristesse durera toujours
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I received this charming note from BelloTempestade regarding the comments I made on this piece:

'People are poor and can't afford a book several hundred dollars. To guilt trip them is disgusting but the joke's on you because it only makes you look like an asshole. Fuck you you're disgusting. You are a dimwit.'

I have been blocked and am unable to reply, but had I been able to send it, it would have been thus:

'I don't think you read my comments properly at all, or you could not have missed the point so entirely. I suggest you do so again before accusing and throwing insults. Key words: "I meant simply the reception to it here." I was speaking of the response to the work as compared to the kind of things which are gushed over on this site. I wasn't even talking about buying the several-hundred-dollar book, which not even I can afford myself. Re-read.

'As for The Red Fairy Book which my friend was selling, the thing costs about £45 new. She sold it for a little over £35. Note that the money goes to her, not to me.

'I am a dimwit in many ways, but if you think I am a thoughtless, mercenary "guilt-tripper" as you put it, then you haven't begun to know the smallest particle about me. Speak to my friends and those who know me well. You do not get to insult a stranger and call them an "asshole". Especially not when you have so singularly failed to grasp the point of a complaint as you have here.'


It goes to show once again that it is never worth airing one's grievances (or much else) on the internet. There will always be just the right kind of troll for your subject to do its worst.

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A friend's signed and inscribed copy of Andrew Lang's The Red Fairy Book which I illustrated for The Folio Society (2008) is on eBay. Please see the listing for details.

Please help raise some needed funds and give the book a good home.

Thank you.


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Dear dA,

Please kindly address this latest rash of spam post-haste. I would be most exceedingly obliged.

Thank you.

ETA: In unrelated news, I'm very glad to see that rich-text editors have finally been installed for journals. Something I have long wished for.

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I thought I would quickly share this tweet.

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Gallery l Bluecanvas l Watch Me l Note Me

Bidpai is now up for auction for the Robin Relief fund. If you missed my mentioning it, do please read the listing to find out what it's for. Please bid or spread the word if you know anyone who may be interested. There are many other works by other artists, too.

Thank you

Thank You... by jennyleigh :: Liek thanks you :: by Liek
Thank you so much to new watchers, to everyone for all your favourites, for your continued interest, and quite simply for your general tolerance.

I am not always able to reply to every comment and have had to choose not to thank everyone individually for favourites and watches, for which I do apologise. Please be assured, however, that I appreciate them all very much.

What is an Artist? by Neikoish


CSS made by TwiggyTeeluck
Texture by Void-W4lker
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Missing the Point by Himmapaan, journal

Signed Copy of Red Fairy Book on eBay by Himmapaan, journal

Devious Journal Entry by Himmapaan, journal

A love letter to illustrators. by Himmapaan, journal

Robin Relief Auction by Himmapaan, journal