[MMD] simplicity + DL //update 30.10.16HiLoMMD on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hilommd/art/MMD-simplicity-DL-update-30-10-16-622533317HiLoMMD

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[MMD] simplicity + DL //update 30.10.16



Some very simple hair textures so you can mess around with spas and toons. They could be used for more than just hair I guess? Only a small selection of the available colors are shown in the preview!

Bullet; Green 50 natural and unnatural colors + a greyscale variation for easy recoloring.
Bullet; Green Recolor as you please.
Bullet; Green Credit is not necessary if used in MMD, but it is SUPER appreciated!
Bullet; Green It's fine to tag me if you use them, I'd love to see what you make!
Bullet; Yellow If you want to convert these textures for use in other programs or games, you need my permission and you must link back.
Bullet; Red Do not claim you made the textures yourself.
Bullet; Red Do not redistribute without my permission.
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