hermione in the woods- dhHillnerd on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hillnerd/art/hermione-in-the-woods-dh-82989059Hillnerd

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hermione in the woods- dh



Hermione having her hay day, I guess.
She sort of sucked in DH, to me. I mean, yeah she was all 'I'm a badass apparator' but besides that? Sort of lame.

I mean Harry had like 18 moments of GLory, as usual, and Ron too with the sword. Hermione? Nope.

So I decided to just try to make her look sort of badass (as badass as I allow Hermione to look. She is always sort of freaking out on some level, so here she's all badass but squidgy eyed.)

Is this after Ron left? I don't think so- I think this is when she first apaprated them to the woods and Ron is ok, cause it's cold. Dunno.

didn;t take much time to color it, but using my texture method froma few months ago, this still managed to look decent. :)
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