A young woman named Joelle loved making art, and practiced drawing all day long to become the very best in all her town. But one day, she was completely stumped. She looked around her room, full of art pieces featuring mystical owls, sci-fi landscapes of a futuristic Chicago, and a portrait of Lady Gaga that looked so real, you could start a conversation with it. But nothing inspired her. Had she really created everything there was to create? Depressed, she looked out her window, and made a wish on a nearby girl for inspiration to return to her. The next morning, she sprung out of bed, and used her skill in drawing to create the most beaut...
Sokka: I am so sorry.
Something struck me in the rear.
I just... wound up... here. Macmu-Ling: Five, seven, then five,
syllables mark a haiku.
Remarkable oaf. Sokka: They call me Sokka,
that is in the Water Tribe.
I am not an oaf. Macmu-ling: Chittering monkey,
in the spring he climbs treetops,
and thinks himself tall. Sokka: You think you're so smart,
with your fancy little words,
this is not so hard. Macmu-Ling: Whole seasons are spent,
mastering the form, the style,
none calls it easy. Sokka: I calls it easy.
Like I paddle my canoe,
I'll paddle yours too! Macmu-Ling: There's nuts and there's fruits.
In fall the clinging plumb drops,
A young woman named Joelle loved making art, and practiced drawing all day long to become the very best in all her town. But one day, she was completely stumped. She looked around her room, full of art pieces featuring mystical owls, sci-fi landscapes of a futuristic Chicago, and a portrait of Lady Gaga that looked so real, you could start a conversation with it. But nothing inspired her. Had she really created everything there was to create? Depressed, she looked out her window, and made a wish on a nearby girl for inspiration to return to her. The next morning, she sprung out of bed, and used her skill in drawing to create the most beaut...
La Nuit
La nuit m'entoure, de l'obscurité
Je me rends ici par curiosité
Je me sens perdu, c'est absolu
Dans cette forêt, dans l'inconnuLes arbres ici, si grands, si gros
Le noir, ce soir, qui n'est pas beau
De marcher, je continue
Dans cette forêt, dans l'inconnuLa lune qui brille dans le ciel
Je suis perdu c'est officiel
C'est un accident, pas prévenu
Dans cette forêt, dans l'inconnuJe veux partir, c'est sûr
Partir sans blessures
C'est un but inobtenu
Dans cette forêt, dans l'inconnu
1. You must post these rules. 2. Answer the questions the tagger set for you, and create new questions for the people you tag to answer. 3. You have to choose 10 people to tag and post their icons on your journal. 4. No tag backs.------------------------------------------------------------------------------I was tagged by :iconThe-FanART-Girl: and her questions were:What's your favorite anime/show/cartoon? :iconermagerdplz: TOO MANY TO PICK FROM!!! If your were a mythical creature, which one would you be? Either a mermaid or a fairy. Look to your right, what do you see? My phone, a can of pop, my CD player, a chair, and other objects. Do ...
Yes, I Have a Penis by Superiorflowerpower, literature
Yes, I Have a Penis
Yes, I Have A PenisDo not assume (if I hold the door for you),
that I am making a statement
about your inabilities
to open the door for yourself.
If you hold it for me,
I'll say 'thankyou'.Do not assume (if I pay for the meal),
that I am underestimating
your earning capacity
as a woman.
If you invite me out for a meal,
you're paying.Do not assume (if I defend your rights),
that I am belittling
the attempts that you have made
to defend your rights yourself.
If you defend my rights,
I'll consider you human.