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Mass Effect 2: Unsecret Club



Mass Effect 2, by Bioware.

The Bro Code is, of course, the elite Earth document set down by Barnabus Stinson.

Noah Shepard, paragon sole survivor, again. So with Jack, Tali, and Noah hating Cerberus, and Garrus, Legion, and Grunt being my bros.... seems inevitable. Mordin is a bro too, but he's to busy doing *science* to engage in this.

And someone woke up cranky Grandpa Zaeed!

This one took a while, mostly because I spent a lot of time inking and coloring it.
And drawing Grunt = <3

EDIT: Minor changes, fixed a thing or two that bugged me.
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702x1100px 523.89 KB
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CMVreud's avatar

Shepard: You get paid?

Jack: What!?

Garrus: I didn't know this was a viable option.

Tali: Legion, you are 1183 programs. I am your creator. I want my cut.