Ziegsturhl Concept ArtHieronymus7Z on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/hieronymus7z/art/Ziegsturhl-Concept-Art-208974647Hieronymus7Z

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Hieronymus7Z's avatar

Ziegsturhl Concept Art



Haven't uploaded a thing recently - here is my apology :meow:
It's pretty hard to combine school-exams' preparationz-and stuff with painting or even drawing. I've been only doodling from time to time in my sketch book mostly.
Soooooo to stay fit I've decided to sit and do something finally
It's kinda an expirement for me - I've used some new techniques I've learned a while ago.

Done for the Reanimation BO project, RTeam [link]
Ziegsturhl is the town, where the game (or it's "prologue") starts.

And here are some other works for the Reanimation: BO Project:

Also check it out on my website please: [link]
Thank you!

Hope you do enjoy! See you soon, pretty damn hopefully!
:onfire: :heart:
Image size
2000x1000px 1.62 MB
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TakeLifeBack's avatar
This is so amazing. Perfect job, i really like the colors and everything (: