Samurai GirlHideyoshi on DeviantArt

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Hideyoshi's avatar

Samurai Girl



Taking longer breaks from painting seems to fuel your creative juices and objectivity towards your art; this was fun to paint and felt very different in the process. I actually enjoyed reopening the file in the 2nd session and finishing it which is saying a lot lol.
Happy with how the face turned out. :)
Didn't use ref., just looked at photos for accuracy for the samurai armor.
I wish the image had a bit more of an interesting story to tell.

Still no internet at home, I feel so isolated! :/
Sorry for not replying to comments, they are always very much appreciated though!
Image size
800x1117px 207.57 KB
© 2010 - 2025 Hideyoshi
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Demonkingswrath's avatar

🔥  and I wish you would do more of her