Robin HoodHideyoshi on DeviantArt

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Robin Hood



I think this is my most succesful figure portrayal so far, at least I am happy with it.
It's always fun to interpret historical characters and make up stories around them in your images :) Squeezing in my take on this popular fellow before Russel Crowe's incarnation hits the silver screens so to speak :P This is the current CHOW topic btw.
Didn't have any references (except for the bird) but I realized that my figures benefit hugely from sketching them out first which I usually don't do... (compare the first horrible WIP image oO)
It's funny, but I only realized later that this bird is actually called a 'robin' in english. Maybe my subconscious was at work ;)
Not sure how long it took, something around 8h I think...

Here are the WIPs:
Image size
750x1080px 259.37 KB
© 2010 - 2025 Hideyoshi
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