Hyper G One - hangar stepsHideyoshi on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hideyoshi/art/Hyper-G-One-hangar-steps-90349038Hideyoshi

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Hyper G One - hangar steps



Got permission to post these! :)

I did so called "pitch artwork" for 2 Hollywood screenwriters, Gregg Chabot and Kevin Peterka. They are trying to sell a sci-fi storyscript and needed some promotional illustrations.
Had lots of fun on all the paintings! :)

This is the step-by step to the Hyper G One hangar piece. :bulletblue: [link]
(dunno about the image category I put this in now,,,not ecxactly a tutorial...)
I started out with that little monochrome sketch for compostition and value breakdown. Then came coloring and detailling.

Lot more coming!

'Hyper G One' copyright - Gregg Chabot, Kevin Peterka.
Image size
585x1846px 256.14 KB
© 2008 - 2025 Hideyoshi
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templar127's avatar
Wonder how heavy that thing is!