Darth VaderHideyoshi on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hideyoshi/art/Darth-Vader-199139674Hideyoshi

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Darth Vader



So I asked you guys what to paint in terms of fanart/redesigns
and I chose one of the most iconic evil guys :)
I'll try to pick up some more of the suggestions though. Thanks again, folks!

I ended up sticking to the original design mostly although I had started out with plans to make it a redesign. So it resulted in this weird mix. Ah, whatever.

1.5h, it's been a while since I made a speedpainting...
it's clearly not the best I could do. Careless planning without concept.

Lol, maybe this will get me hired to work on some SW property again :P (not really)

copyright Lucasarts

edit: not sure how he looked feminine (I must have been drawing one too many girls), but I made some tweaks, also changed the helmet which I realized was really off after I checked some ref.
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835x1000px 124.62 KB
© 2011 - 2025 Hideyoshi
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Greatest antihero in fiction.