Hero of HumanityLocation: Human Commonwealth, German Colony planet Dartsündt, Bauer Settlement.The young man, clad in the standard uniform for the Human Armed Forces, stood leaning on his service sword by the window, observing the battle raging below. Each assault on the crashed, but functional, alien ship failed, time and time again. Not bothering to acknowledge commander Fritz von Speer as the commander entered into the room he continued to observe as the colonial militia took to a tactical retreat back to the trenches.
"As you can see, sir, we desperately need your help in this matter." von Speer said as he came to stand by the younger ...
File Twenty three thirty: Home Fleet.Home Fleet, so designated for being the fleet protecting Earth and its sister planets in the Sol system, is the largest and most powerful fleet in the Human commonwealth consisting of no less than one hundred and twenty Berserker Class Deep Strike Cruisers, six hundred Hope Class Deep Space Carriers (each carrying around a thousand Apollo Space Fighters, Bombers and Support craft), eight hundred Hammer Class Fast Attack Frigates, Twenty Celeris Class Battleships. Home Fleet also has the advantage of having Humanity's largest Athena Sat-net, Ion Canon Sat-net and the Junon Canon stationed on Earth availa...