hibbary on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hibbary/art/Two-Halves-of-a-Whole-95063752hibbary

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Two Halves of a Whole


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A pendant commission for :iconfruitbowlmassacre: This one took me a little while. I fought with the colors some, and finally decided that for it to look as I'd meant it to, I'd have to gold leaf the gears. (the paint just wasn't bright enough).

There then ensued an insane several-day tearing apart of the house that turned into some kind of cleaning festival. I DID finally find my gold leaf, but only after sorting through any number of boxes and throwing away at least two trashbags worth of crap. GOOD TIMES.
Image size
524x750px 559.31 KB
© 2008 - 2024 hibbary
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