hibbary on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hibbary/art/Is-Winter-Over-Yet-103172321hibbary

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Daily Deviation

Daily Deviation

March 27, 2009
Is Winter Over Yet? by `hibbary is such a charmingly original concept, not to mention an all over beautiful and well done piece. Brilliant use of color and expression make this a shining gem in the Anthro Gallery!
Featured by savagebinn
hibbary's avatar

Is Winter Over Yet?


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I haven't got the heart to tell him that it's only just started.

I gotta get back to time sensitive commissions. So maybe no more original art uploads for the next few days. But I gotta fill my panels, so there should be more on the way eventually :D

Edit: Thank you everyone for your support and the DD! :3 This is one of my personal favs and I am thrilled to see that so many people enjoy it too.
Image size
2053x3149px 3.92 MB
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56er-Andy's avatar

Giraffen sind nicht für Winterkalte gemacht und sollten nur dort sein wo es warm genug ist denn dieser Schal kann nicht wirklich wärmen für die ganze Giraffe !!!