hibbary on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hibbary/art/Do-I-dazzle-you-110864364hibbary

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hibbary's avatar

Do I dazzle you?



OK ok, I threw in some rainbow, more glowcrap, and a big star on her bum, but that's it. :D No more alterations! It's horrible enough already!

Evidently people were not impressed with my lukewarm attempt at a sparkledog so I upped the ante and made this hideous, hideous thing. The other one was more like a character I might actually want to keep around. This is just... PURELY monstrous. Although I sort of like that crazy hair :D

Her name is Kirameki and she flies through Sparklespace listening to J-pop on her ipod.

Edit: For the people telling me that you like the other one better, do you not get that this is a joke picture? :D
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nati11184's avatar
So flawless