HHB-BookMaster on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hhb-bookmaster/art/HHB-BookMaster-ID-41318179HHB-BookMaster

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HHB-BookMaster ID



How long have I been on DA and I haven't finished an ID yet? Too long. Like, Rip-Van-Winkle long. Like, Rapunzel-Rapunzel-let-down-your-long-hair long. Like Rolling-Stones-performing-career WAY too long.

So how's about fixing this little oversight, eh? And I did. And here it is. Nothing much left to say other than that I'm pretty sure I don't look like that. And I'm holding a book (because I like to read and I AM called BookMaster) and a pencil (because I like to draw and write).

Oh, I did have one pointless confusion, if you don't mind if I indulge myself. I colored my eyes blue. Are they blue? I'm not really sure any more. I've always thought my eyes are blue (in a grayish kind of shade). Over the past ten years or so, I've noticed that there's kind of a gold-like ring too. So my eyes are grayish-blue and gold two-toned. I've been told that for some reason this counts as green. Huh? I don't see any green! Normally blue and yellow-something-or-other-hue makes green but in this case nature forgot that. It's just blue...and then gold. I'm not the worst, though. My little sister has a similar eye-color confusion only her's change color at any given time. Sometimes her eyes are more gold, sometimes they're more blue. I've actually watched them change. It's kinda freaky--maybe she's possessed or something.

OK, maybe I'll add something else. Why exactly am I called "HHB-BookMaster", anyway? Well, it's all rooted in my webcomic, The Hero's Handbook (which is what the HHB stands for). The origin behind the adoption of the name "BookMaster" is kinda hard to pin down, but it basically had to do with how I had played with the idea of one all-powerful character who had created the GuideBooks (such as the HHB and others), but ditched the idea and landed a lot of the info-dumping responsibility on the character who represents the cartoonist (basically, an avatar of myself who's kind of like me but not entirely). Thus, the Master of the Books, or "BookMaster", was born. Plus, the name just kinda stuck so I couldn't ditch it even if I tried (and I did, but nothing else fit anymore). I slapped the "HHB" on because the name "bookmaster" was taken already for my email server and I think in DA as well.
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© 2006 - 2024 HHB-BookMaster
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apeman505's avatar
(you forgot "Resident AWESOME PERSON!") ;-)

Dang, I need to start drawing again. Do you use photoshop?