Comic Spread PlannerHeyTayHolt on DeviantArt

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HeyTayHolt's avatar

Comic Spread Planner




Why: This is the mate to the Comic Thumbnail Planner.

Someone was asking about the paper I was quick sketching on during a stream, and I decided to upload this for them. Should be pretty self-explanatory.

What: Comic Spread Planner Template. I mocked it up for black-and-white printing on computer paper, so it's 8.5 x 11" when using landscape printing. Easy to Print, not too heavy on the ink. It works for me.

Pages: The little pages have margins that are sized down versions of typical 5.5 x 7.75" digest-sized printing specs (like, for example, Ka-Blam among many others).

Use: Step 1. Print it out; should fit on plain computer paper. Step 2. Scribble all over it. I chuck these in a file folder till the finalized bits are done and then throw it away. It's good if you're not at home to rough on computer when you do your sketching & planning.

Thoughts: I usually work on the Comic Thumbnail Planner before extracting the important/most interesting/useful bits for the spread.

I find it helpful to identify the Primary Goal of the Spread, such as "Jude Reveals Himself and Freaks Out His Opponent" combined with the Primary Emotions or Atmosphere of the scene, for example, "Jude: triumph, insanity; Edmund: defeat, heartbreak."


It's particularly good if you're working with a partner. You can doodle notes to each other on them.

Comic Thumbnail Planner:

:) Enjoy and let me know if you find it useful.

:bulletred: 01: The Big #2
:bulletred: 02: Stepping Down
:bulletred: 03: Hand Gestures
:bulletred: 04: Little 2, Big 2

Other Tutorials:
:bulletblue: Mesh-Hatching
:bulletblue: Chain-Hatching
:bulletblue: Comic Thumbnail PLanner
:bulletblue: Comic Spread Planner
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3300x2550px 409.52 KB
© 2011 - 2025 HeyTayHolt
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zokizamantikore's avatar
Thanks! this is very helpful, however I still have a question, if I Draw a figure that goes from one page to the other or a panel in middle of both pages ( not drawing in the bleed space in middle of both pages of course) will it still be distorted or cutted when the comic is printed? I've been looking for tutorials on 2 pages spread and most of them just tells me not to put anything important in the middle but I've seen comic in which they do