Rayman for Smashhextupleyoodot on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/hextupleyoodot/art/Rayman-for-Smash-514141031hextupleyoodot

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hextupleyoodot's avatar

Rayman for Smash



UPDATE: Since it was sort of a point of criticism, I decided to change up his eyebrows to be closer to his appearance in Rayman Origins/Legends! You can find the original version in my scraps. =)

This is the first entry in my YouTube series, Smashified! Check out my channel to learn more about the series and how you can contribute. =)

The video that broke the news: The Minish Recap by the ZBNetwork
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How I made the leak

You can find the transparent version below:
Rayman Smashified (transparent) by hextupleyoodot
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GrilledCheeseGuy's avatar

Years later and it still pisses me off.